Enzymes and How they Work

Enzymes and How they Work

Enzymes and How they Work – Slidedeck Videos from the slide deck… Resources… Questions: •How does an enzyme affect the activation energy needed for an exothermic reaction? •Do enzymes work at all temperatures and pHs? Why? •Will any molecule fit into the active...


Did you know? Nitrous oxide has the chemical formula N2O, and is commonly known as “laughing gas” since it produces euphoria when inhaled in small amounts. A major use of nitrous oxide is as an anaesthetic in surgery and dentistry. It is also used in making certain...
Trial ppt….

Trial ppt….

Humans-in-SPACE.pptx <iframe src=”https://granderie-my.sharepoint.com/personal/stacmega787_granderie_ca/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={c12003fa-9489-44d9-968d-25d8ad9cb369}&amp;action=embedview&amp;wdAr=1.7777777777777777″...
Plants in the Environment

Plants in the Environment

Plants are an important part of the environment. They provide the foundation of most ecosystems and as primary producers they initiate the flow of energy from the Sun to all species.Human Impact on Natural EcosystemsHumans, by their very nature, have an...

Biology Grade 11 College

Biology Grade 11 College Biology Course Work Cellular BiologyIn this unit you will examine how microscopes work and how they helped advance the cell theory. You will then explore how organic chemistry plays a crucial role in many of the functions within the cell. You...