Please see the powerpoint slidedeck here – Biomagnification and Bioaccumulation
Microplastics Activity
See full instructions – National Geographic Society activity outline
Task: DDT and Canada’s History Using It
What is DDT?
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is human-made. It is a white, crystalline, tasteless and almost odourless insecticide. It belongs to the organic halogen family of compounds. DDT kills insects by acting as a nerve poison, although exactly how DDT affects the nervous system is poorly understood.
Although no longer produced or used in North America, DDT continues to be found in our environment. DDT degrades much more slowly in cold climates than in warmer areas. DDT was used during World War II to control body lice that spread typhus and was subsequently used to control mosquito-borne malaria.
In the 1950s, it quickly became the most popular control method for forestry, agricultural and domestic insect pests. Liquid spray was the most commonly used form of DDT. DDT was a commonly used insecticide until the early ’70s, when it was banned or restricted in Canada, the United States, and most European countries.
DDT is still used as an agricultural insecticide and in disease-control programs in other parts of the world.
Task Outline – given in class. This will be assessed.
Read through these two articles – provided in class!
Also watch and take notes from this news clip from 1966 – it will not show in a player :o(