Cell Cycle and Repair Slidedeck
Task – Tailor Made Body Parts
For Discussion on April 30th
You will be working in small groups to complete this task from the textbook page 39.
- In 2008, Dr. Anthony Atala, from Wake Forest University, North Carolina, reported that he and his team had successfully grown 18 different tissues outside of the body using the techniques of regeneration.
- One particularly successful experiment involved the creation of a human bladder that was grown in the lab from the patient’s own bladder cells and then transplanted into the patient.
- Growing replacement organs in the lab would meet the needs for replacement organs.
- Some businesses have recognized the opportunities that this new technology provides.
- For example, in the future, if you were in need of a replacement organ, you could simply order a tailor-made replacement body part made using your own cells…
Historical Thoughts on Cancer
Download this worksheet file it has the instructions and can be filed in as you work through the video clips below. Keep in mind that you will be asked to reflect on your learnings after you have completed the worksheet (either a video blog or a podcast – voice recording). Your reflection should be organized and should cover the following items…
- Key ideas that I learned through this activity that were new to me and changed my understanding of cancer…. It changed my understanding because… (give at least 3 new things you learned and how it changed your understanding)
- The most interesting thing I learned about cancer today was…. because… (give at least 2 reasons why it was interesting)
**These ideas will be summarized in a podcasts or video blogs that will be collected and shared with the class. The reflection will also include information learned through the other centre that looks into ‘How Cancer cells are different then Normal Cells’.
** If you need to complete this task online (if you did not finish the Tablet activity in class) you can access the videos…