We have come to the end of our GTP Learning Circle, and with all good learning practise we should take the time to reflect on our learnings.
Go to the ‘Research and Answer’ page for our school. This is where students from other countries responded to us to give us their perspective, cultural ideas, countries’ ideas towards maternal health…
With explanation reflect on the following things…
- What did we know about the theme (maternal health) when we started?
- What did we learn from the responses of the students from other countries?
- What was similar or different in the research answers received from the Learning Circle partners? Why do we think these differences exist?
- What was the most surprising thing to learn? Why?
Put your reflections together in a paragraph or two response and post it as a comment below.
What did we know about the theme (maternal health) when we started?
I really didn’t know much about maternal health until i read these responses. I also didn’t think that they had midwives in a lot of other countires.
What did we learn from the responses of the students from other countries?
I found out that Lativa has free medicine and girls that are under the age of 18 do not have to pay a fee for being a patient there.
But if you pay, you get better service pretty much.
What was similar or different in the research answers received from the Learning Circle partners? Why do we think these differences exist?
Some things i find diffrent are that our country is pretty much the only country that gets full free health care pretty much and others may or not get some free or they have the choice to pay, Paying is a better option though because they get treated way better.
What was the most surprising thing to learn? Why?
I found that they way people word their answers are the most surprising actually. Because one group said that their country cares a lot about pregnant women/girls and that everyones trained so well but they never said if it was expensive or not. By wording things like that, they make it seem like theres a good side to it but in reality they’re saying the people with a lot of money will get treated well but not any regualr person.
♥ We knew that other countries would be doing or going about pregnancies and maternal health differently, whether its because beliefs or because they have more or less equipment for this.
♥ Their healthcare is different than ours, but some are pretty good and reasonable, while others don’t have everything like we have like lamaze classes.
♥ Some countries have the lamaze classes and some people have some interesting things for pregnant women and teens. Not all the countries have these opportunities, The differences is there because not everyone can afford the extra stuff, or it just isn’t available.
♥ I think its surprising how the questions were answered. They seem to be trying to word things in a way that excludes other parts i feel could be a part of the answer. Like costs of having a baby, do they have to pay extra for hospital, etc.
♣ We knew other people from diffrent countries would be doing it to learn about what we think , as we did this we learned alot about diffrent things.
♠ We learned what their ideas and thoughts where on the questions we answered ,some told us how theyd help and what they could do and how . People saw and learned what we learned and was shooting ideas of what they can do or what we can do to help
♥ There was some that where the same and some diffrent not meany diffrent most of them agreed with what we said ,This excists becuase everyone has their own opions people may agree or disagree all of it or some parts like people did in here .
♦ The most suprising thing i learned was that people agreed with some of the things we had to say not all but some , some people gave us ideas and thoughts on it all and it was nice to read .
– Alyzhia
What did we know about the theme (maternal health) when we started?
I knew that there were classes provided for the women that are pregnant also some for the
husbands. Also I knew that there are monthly checkups that a women needs to go to have an
ultra sound done to make sure that the baby is healthy or miscarried.
What did we learn from the responses of the students from other countries?
Mothers go to lamaze classes which are very expensive and they can have a mid wife and
while in the hospital for a couple days the newborn gets vaccinated, medicines are free for
mothers in Latvia, and also they get benefits, but if the pregnant women don’t work the
government will give them dole money.
What was similar or different in the research answers received from the Learning Circle partners? Why do we think these differences exist?
The government here wont give the girls who are pregnant money here and we have to pay
for our hospital fees. Where in other countries the government pays the pregnant women
benefits or dole money to help them pay for all their medical issues.
What was the most surprising thing to learn? Why?
After the child is born the government pays for everything until they reach the age of 18, also
after a women gives birth they don’t need to pay for any medical treatment after 42 weeks
after the child birth.
-I was surprised by how much pre natal care and birthing classes Romania had, I have not heard a lot about Romania but what I have heard from my friend that lives in romaina, that the government is corrupt and they do not have good health care or systems. Not to offend anyone, it probably depends on which area you living.
– I was shocked that in Latvia the majority of their care they are receiving is free, but if you pay you get friendlier staff and better conditions, they also have the same adult age as us.
-I find it interesting that in Bangladesh the mother’s family is responsible for nursing and taking care of the baby until it is 6 months old. In our culture , I do not think that would work out very well because, the mother of course wants to be with her child right away after birth, and epically the “firsts”, mothers are big on “firsts” here , like first tooth, first haircut, first steps. I am not sure any of these would occur in that time period.
– They say they also treat pregnant women with respect there, that is the same as in our country, if we seen a pregnant lady on the bus without a seat, we would gladly offer ours. I think overall I was just thinking the stereotypical things about, these countries, but it is nice to get a first person opinion from schools, there who know what is going on.
1.I didn’t really know anything about maternal health just the stuff I learn in gym class
2.Medicines for pregnant women are free in Latvia. In hospitals are organised excursions around the hospital, the wards are being renovated. Pregnant girls who are younger than 18 don’t need to pay patient fee
3. Pregnant women are free in both places. Pregnant girls who are younger than 18 don’t need to pay patient and we don’t need to pay at all. Country provides free medicaments and analysis for pregnant women and newborn children. All medical care is free till the child becomes 18.
4. Special lectures and tests are organised. Lectures take place 2 times a week and they are free
What did we know about the theme (maternal health) when we started?
We knew that there were classes for people who are pregnant and that a midwife assist throughout the birth of the child. I also knew that the child need to be vaccinated after birth against certain diseases. The mother has to keep well nourished and stay away from drugs and alcohol in order to have a healthy child.
What did we learn from the responses of the students from other countries?
I learned that lamaze classes are expensive and not everyone had a midwife. I also learned that not everyone has heard of the special classes to help you get through child birth. In Bangladesh the parents of the pregnant women take care of the baby for a certain amount of time after the child is born, during pregnancy the woman is cherished and treated respectively and doesn’t have to clean or cook the family members take care of any hard labors that the woman would usually do.
What was similar or different in the research answers received from the Learning Circle partners? Why do we think these differences exist?
Some countries provide free health care to mothers who are pregnant and some do not, there are lamaze classes but they are expensive or they don’t have them at all. I think there are these differences because of different cultures and their beliefs like some countries believe that the pregnant women should be treat with special treatment (no work and cooking and kept away from work and any heavy labor…) where others believe the one who is pregnant should just continue on as if it was an ordinary day (going to work cooking…).
What was the most surprising thing to learn? Why?
That in Latvia mothers get free healthcare when pregnant if the are under the age of 18 to me that is like saying teen pregnancy is okay and its not. They should have free health care for women over the age of 18 and they are promoting teens not to get pregnant.
♥-we knew that people have babies and that they got as much health care as they could and as much as they could afford. i didn’t think that many live very old.
♥-we learned how much health care they actually have, and they have alot of porgrams fror them to get healthy babies. and that they can’t really afford the care they need. they have birth coaches to help aswell, same with prenatal training.
♥-they have birth coaches and prenatal care, and programs for pregnant woman. the dfferences exist becasue they don’t have as much moeny as we do.
♥-it was suprising to learn that they have as much health care and prgrams as they do, like lamaze and motherhood centre. and how the government isn’t as involved as i thought it would be and are not covered for nearly as mucha s we are here.
MDG Summary of Learnings
We knew that lack of maternal health in Canada has been confronted by such things as the presence of wid-wives and doctors at the birth of the child, as well as Lamaze classes for pregnant women, in order to help the mother as well as the child cope with the stress of the birth. We also have set up support programs such as child support for mothers that may need help with the added stress of raising that child.
Personally I didn’t know about the cost of Lamaze classes, but apparently they can be quite costly. As well as the fact that according to one of the comments, not many mothers have ever heard of Lamaze. In Dunnville there is one hospital, and as far as I know there is also a pregnancy center, for young up-coming mothers, as well as older mothers. Some of the comments Said they think that there should be more of these facilities in order to care for the growing need for parental guidance. This made me think about the mental state of a new mother, and how many mothers today suffer from postpartum depression, (also mentioned in one of the comments), this may have an effect of hoe the mother cares for the child and result in a lack in maternal health.
In North and South America where hospitals are more available, the amount of mid-wives is much lower, considering that outside N & S America, almost all child care is done by mid-wives. Some similarities are like in Latvia medicine for pregnant women is free, much like in Canada although the majority of health care is free. Even though not all health care in Latvia is free, to a new mother anything that takes even a little bit of the pressure off is welcome.
The most interesting thing I would say I learned to no surprise was that the age of the mother had an effect on the mortality rate of children. This then proves that there is a need for centers that can educate young mothers on how to better care for their children.