Please watch the documentary below and ponder what would you do? Would you chose to vaccinate your child or not? Are the risks to your child too great, the risks to society greater? Do you believe the doctors or the concerned parents? Do murcury, formalin and other ‘stablizers’ belong in a medicinal item that I allow to be injected into my child…. all thoughts to consider.
Watch the full episode. See more FRONTLINE.
Your job….
Create a list of pro-vaccine ideas and a list of anti-vaccine ideas. Now discuss which side are you on….
Post your list and comments below. Check back often and comment to at least 3 other peoples ideas – must be constructive!!
Pro-vaccine Ideas…
Its good to get vaccines because…
– it protects children who are involved within their school community and prevents them contracting an illness from other children who may not be vaccinated.
– For new born infants, getting the vaccines for Hepititas B and polio (along with other vaccines) helps protect their immune system from the harmful diseases within their new environment.
– SARS travelled through Canadian cities and was across the world in a matter of weeks, there were 43 deaths in the Greater Toronto Area and over 438 infected. This is an example of a preventable outbreak.
Will post more tomorrow…
Shaleigh I agree with what you have put up. This does protect your children and others also. I must say that you have made a valid point about vaccinating my children when I do decide to have some.
All your pros seem good.
Comment isn’t helpful to create conversation…. Please put thought into the comment…
I thought it was interesting to know that SARS travelled through Canada in only two weeks, when I was younger, I got really sick, and I had to be put in the hospital for a while, the doctors didn’t exatly know what was wrong with me, and one of my sisters friends thought I had SARS. Turns out, it was just pneumonia, but I got to miss some school.
* prevent viruses and diseases in population
* prevent people from infecting one another
* protect body from contracting a disease while visiting a country that may still carry the virus
* help eradicate the virus as a whole
* people feel they are being forced into something they don`t believe in
* some people may experience allergic reactions to vaccine
* belief behind MMR vaccine causing autism in children
I am pro vaccination all zee way!
Pro-Vaccine Ideas:
Keeps you healthy (for most)
Prevents you from getting sick (for most)
Helps you live a better life
Anti-Vaccine Ideas:
Can cause you to have the syptoms of what it is suppose to be for
Some vaccines can cause you to have autism
Can give you the virus/disease it is preventing
I do not know what side I am on because if you go on onseide then you start to think about what the other side says . I am undecided about if I am a person who will get my child vaccinated or not when I become a mother.
For the Anti vaccine it states that it “can cause you to have syptoms of what it is suppose to be for” — chances are it’ll be very minor such as pain or have similar side-effects.
You shouldn’t get Hep B if your getting a Hep B shot because it’s not a live virus, it’s actually an in-active virus.
Pro vaccines:
Many vaccines energize and activate the body’s immune system. When the immune system is energized, it is in a better position to fight off other foreign organisms.
Anti vaccines:
Generally in new vaccines, they can produce opposite reactions in the body which can cause reactions that can be either minor or very serious.
I think I’m on a cross-road because each side states a very valid point. Getting the vaccinations would be risky but in the end it’d most likely work out, which is great. Where as, if I didn’t get my potential future children the vaccination their bodies would learn to fight off infectious diseases all on its own, therefore becoming stronger, naturally.
I would take a doctors advice more literal compared to concerned parent. Doctors generally know what they are talking about because they did go through schooling about all this stuff, where as a concerned parent is just being worried about the chances they are taking.
– Mir Curley
I don’t mean to be blunt, but then the quetion rises, what if your children don’t become naturally stronger, and immune to varrious diseases? I, to think it would be great if or bodies could, on their own learn how to fight diseases like polio, but over the last 50 years and more, it’s proven in it’s current state, it’s incapable to do so. By putting lax on such a thought it could sway the arument in a way that people, while trying to do whats right for thier child, they may not put as much thought into the decicion as needed. Agian, I apoligize for any blunt-ness, or misunderstanding.
Anti-Vaccine Ideas
I agree with Mir, the body may have a negative reaction to the vaccine after getting it, some people need to be careful what shot they receive due to allergies.
When a new vaccine becomes known to the public, doctors have not necessarily put enough research into the vaccine but want to draw attention to the public that they need to receive the shot to prevent some sort of disease. The causes of the vaccine could be more harmful than the actual disease.
Personally, I am in favour to get the neccessary shots to prevent the major diseases such as Hep B, lockjaw and others. However, from past experience in my family, the flu shot does nothing. After receiving the flu shot, my sister was sick and closely monitored for a month from a severe case of the flu. Another shot I think is not useful is the chicken pox vaccine. The mother made a valid point in saying we get sick for a reason and we should deal with it the way mother nature intended us to. Getting sick isn’t a bad thing. By getting vaccines for every illness known to man, I think in the future our bodies will be unable to fight against a disease on its own without a vaccine. But thats just me thinkin.
I agree with Mir to a point that yes it can cause the syptoms of what it is suppose to energize the immune system. Sometimes it is better off to produce those symptoms because then the body will know how to fight it better. And I also agree because sometimes what the vaccine is suppose to help you with can go against you because what you are being vaccinated for can be very deadly and can hurt you in many different ways.
– By getting vaccinated children shouldn’t get these diseases.( The video says we get 35 needles in 6 years to fight 16 diseases in there first years of life). This is a Pro.
– We have health care which is covered unlike the states so we should take advantage of this oppertunite to make sure our kids have the best protection possible.
– Can get it done right at school by a certified nurse. ( Sometimes)
– There is no follow up appointment needed
– its on your record
– Children become scared of needles however they eventually get over it.
– It can be inconvient for the parents.
– No pain for the child from needles.
– There is odd pressure from other parents
– Child can be suspended, or kicked out of school.
– Childs at risk for contracting a disease.
– High risk especially in international travel or being around other unimmunized children.
Yes, I would choose to vaccinate my child because it would be difficult to deal with a disease in the family. My family knows what it is like to lose someone to infections and diseases so why risk the life of someone else. The risks to your child are to great because they play with other children daily at school who maybe be carriers… as for society its great because they can recieve a disease thru work, travel etc. Whether its airborne or contracted through touch. Yes I believe the doctors and concerned parents because if my child was vaccinated in a class with unvaccinated children I would also be concerned about the risk. Im sure stabilizers are in medicalin items but i havn’t heard of a death yet so why not keep using them.
I agree with Shelagh. Yes we should let mother nature deal with some of the viruses like flu and chicken pox …. she is right eventually our bodies will become immune to these vaccinations and it will not fight them off.
Hey Sam,
I agree with you on the undecided part, there are so many new vaccines coming out that it seems every year we have to get a new shot. They either help you or they dont lol. to be more specific which vaccines would you choose to get and which ones would you decide to avoid?
-it doesn’t cost us money to get the shots since we have healthcare
-It helps you fight the disease if you get it which you shouldnt
-it is easy to get it
-There is alot of needles you need to get some which aren’t needed
– you have a chance of side effects
– You have a chance of geting the disease
I think i would vaccine my kids to the needles that were more important the bigger diseases (Hep B etc), but i wouldn’t want them to have every little needle for every little cold they can find out there like the flu shot i don’t think it does very much.
– we have free health care in canada so its free.
– they are easy to get
– it helps keeps you safe from getting sick or a disease.
– there are a lot of needles that you need to get
– some people have a fear of needles
– there can be side effects
– you can still have a slight chance of getting the sickness or disease
I would have my child vaccinated. but i would not get all the shots that the docters are giving out. chicken pox would be one of the ones that i would let slide. i had chicken pox twice and i lived i think they will to. plus if everyone else is getting the shot there isn’t much chance of the child giving it to anyone else. and i would not get the shots for the diseases, where there hasnt been a case for years and years, like polio for example. i think that by giving the shot your are making the chances greater for bringing the disease back. but i would get the child the shots for more serious diseases, like tetanus, hep b, and all of those more life threatening diseases.
I agree with most of what your saying, like moderation with the vaccines like chicken-pox, and other vaccines, however, im not supper sure but morst if not all vaccines containing the virus, the virus is in-active, or in other words dead. I’m also don’t degree in bio-chem, but I don’t believe that it’s possible for the virus to then be revived, once dead. If it is, post a link (-:
Pros :
– shots prevent 16 serious diseases (such as polio)
– immunizations are usually safe with little complications
– lowered enfant and teenager mortality rate
– makes an overall safer community (if everyone is immunized)
Cons :
– rare cases of serious complications (brain damage, comas, ADD, autisum)
– some people could have allergic reactions to the vaccine
– drugs are not being tested to ensure they are completely safe with no side affects
Where I Stand :
I believe immunizations for children are a great idea as they are greatly lowering the enfant and teenager mortality rate and are also the reason why there are no more outbreaks of serious diseases such as polio. So i think giving your child the shots is wise for keeping the overall safety of your child and also the community as a whole. However i still believe each parent has the right to make this decision on there own and that they will in the end look out for the well being and safety of their child.
In my opinion I am neither entirely against or for vaccines, I feel that, it’s true, that if you vacinate your child it will result in a better chance of not contracting said disease. However, I also understand that their are risks to such vaccines. Even though autism is not yet directly linked to vaccines, there are still other serious side-effects. I know personally, my grandfather, received the flu-shot, and not long after was became paralyzed from the shoulder down on his left side. Even though there are risks to receiving the vaccines, there are also risks to not receiving vacines. I don’t mean to say to go out and get your flu-shot, neither, am i say not to, personally, I don’t think that the flu is a huge deal, and therefore I don’t get the flu shot because I don’t feel it’s necessary, whereas Hep-C I do have, I went to Jamaica last march, and if you want to get Hep-C, the Caribbean is the place to go.
My main point is that I believe that you should be able to distinguish between what is to great a risk, along with the severity of the concequence. In other words cause/effect not only, how will this effect myself and my child, but others. What is the concequence, if I don’t get a flu shot, I may get the flu, if I do get it, I may have a suffer a serious side-effect. What is the concecquence if I don’t get the Hep-c shot, I may contract Heb-c, a serious disease, if I do, I may suffer a serious side-effect. What are risk if I do, and the concecquences if I don’t. If you try to look at it in an un-bias way, I’m sure you’ll be able to weigh the two, and decide what’s best for everyone’s well-being.
Just replying to myself for the two, and probobly many more spelling mistakes, sorry to all readers if at all it bothers you.