In a part of the world where we have plenty – plenty of food, clean water, medical care – and the best of prenatal and postpartum care… it is hard to imagine or comprehend giving birth to a babe in the middle of a dirt floor on soiled clothes, attended hopeful by someone, with no resources to help your newborn live without risk of infection from her umbilical cord falling off before her belly has healed…

For many women this is the reality – the fearful truth – you have very little except the will to try to bring your baby into a world where life should be better.  For women in Haiti this truth is an everyday reality…

Simple is Best…

How might something so simple as a piece of paper, two disposable gloves, two pieces of string, two pieces of gauze, one fabric strip, safety pin and one razor blade – be a package that a pregnant woman would walk kilometers for?  It may mean the difference between your maternal health and the vitality of your newborn to stave off deadly infection.

Simple is Best…

The supplies listed above comprise a ‘Birthing Kit’.  The paper acts an envelope to hold the precious contents but also a birthing mat (more sterile than any blanket or clothing piece).  The fabric strip acts as a ‘belly band’ to hold the gauze pads on the string tied umbilical stump.  Keeping the umbilical stump clean and dry can decrease infant mortality – and family anguish.

Students in the Biology 3C class have worked hard to prepare the materials and next week will be leading the students at Cayuga Secondary in an education session and then the assembly of a Birthing Kit.  This activity will forever change the lives of women, their babies and will help to build a stronger, healthier community in Kenya.  It will create a sense of empowerment for our students – a global citizenship – that builds our community within our school as we build a community in Haiti…

This proves that one person can make an impact in the world… because simple is best…