Darwin’s Dangerous Ideas

Darwin’s Dangerous Ideas

Why does Charles Darwin’s ”dangerous idea” matter more today than ever, and how does it explain the past and predict the future of life on Earth? The first show interweaves the drama of Darwin’s life with current documentary sequences,...
Selective Breeding and Transgenics

Selective Breeding and Transgenics

Please download the powerpoint slidedeck – Selective Breading and GMOs Resources and Work Below is some Canadian info on GMOs in our marketplace… https://croplife.ca/field-notes-gmo-foods/. Take a minute to go through this. Were you aware of the GMOs in...
Non-Mendelian Inheritance

Non-Mendelian Inheritance

Non Mendelian Inheritance and Sex linked Slidedeck   Worksheets and Answer Keys Sex-Linked Problems Non-Mendelian Genetics Practice Sex Linked key Non-Mendelian Genetics –...
Inheritance and Hybrid Crosses

Inheritance and Hybrid Crosses

Inheritance and Hybrid Crosses Slidedeck GATTACA Watch the first 20 minutes and ponder this… What do you think of Vincent’s life so far?  How would it feel to be Vincent? Thinking about yourself… what issues could you see arising for you if you lived in this society? ...